Operation We CAN!
On behalf of Project Pursuit Of Happiness, we would first like to say thank you. Thank you for allowing us into your meeting and going above and beyond to help us with any current project we are working on. Your organization is extremely important in our mission to help all those less fortunate. We really enjoy doing what we do; and with your help, we can continue to do so on an everyday basis. We would like to at this time make it official that you have accepted to be part of our current movement; this semester you will take part in Operation We CAN. Together we can help those that unfortunate and don’t have the means to be able to eat everyday, or have a decent meal for this holiday season. Sadly, there are thousands of people worldwide that worry about this situation everyday, with your help we will help provide goods so that this season they can have one thing less to worry about.
Operation We CAN is an attempt for us to collect as many canned goods as we possibly can. This means we will be collecting non perishable goods which we will use to donate here locally as well as try and pursue our goal to send some gods nationwide and globally wherever needed. As you are aware, our world has suffered through some damaging disasters as of lately, and we would like to take this opportunity to be able to assist as much as we can. Not only will we be assisting globally, but with your help we will be able to assist locally by handing out goods here in the LA community. One main organization that we will be assisting is the (National Food Bank), which is an organization that provides food for those who just do not have the means to provide for themselves.
How does your organization earn points? You will earn points by simply collecting cans and getting your organization to fully participate and collect as many items as you can. This point system will be based on a percentage level, and the organization who reaches the most points will win Operation We CAN.
As a winner of this event, your organization will receive a trophy from Project P.O.H. which will have your name engraved and your #1 place in this Operation. Keep in mind that you will be able to use this trophy for your recruiting events at your respective university, and what better way to promote community service than to have your name engraved on a trophy that shows your commitment to help those in need.
Point distribution
1. Orgs that receive 100% will receive 100pts
2. Every time you reach 100%, you will receive an extra 100pts.
3. Each member is required to collect 10 items each.
4. Every time an org reaches their full participation, they will receive an extra 100 points
[Quick Example] a. An org of 4 members turns in 100 items.
b. They’re full participation is at 40 items.
c. This org would receive a total of 250 points.
d. 100 points for reaching their first 40 items, 100 points for the second set of 40 items, and an additional 50 points for getting an extra 20 items (50% of their full participation)
As you are aware, our last event we had a goal of collection fifteen hundred lbs of clothing, and with the help of all participants we were able to reach over three thousand lbs; we did that together, and we re so proud. This event, our goal is to reach one thousand CANS. We are very hopeful that together we can reach this, without a doubt; your participation will help us reach our goal.
We are looking forward to this competition, but more importantly we look forward to being able to work hand in hand with your organization and making the world a better place for all of us to be in.
from Tumblr http://projectpoh.tumblr.com/post/153009105177