I was just pondering on the idea of why MWF 3 was released the time it was. The first thing that should come to mind is that christmas is around the corner. But not only is it christmas, its winter, and that means its going to be cold and people are going to be staying in, which means they will be glued to their t.vs. I was kicking it and when i was surfing the channels i came across the E channel, the ad was straight forward "go big, and stay home". This repeated for the 30 sec clip. Its just comes to show how media can take over our lifes. As our society matures, it doesnt seem like people aren't getting any more independent. Ive noticed an drastic increase in the amount of reality television shows over the past couple years. I hate to say it but our fasination of simplicity and attaining 0, less work better, is straying us away from us doing work. Instead
Now our kids and us have to go to school for 4 more extra years just so we can keep up and mantain the simplicity that society has to offer. my advice to the world is once your done reading this, get off your ass and
Go outside, talk to a random human being, imagine the world with out the technological subsitutes(textmesaaging,T.v, twitter,facebook). Talk to an old person, they are walking history, keep in mind once their gone, all history and stories they have to share will be all gone. "Life is limited, questions are limitless"
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